Dermabrasion Treatment Ambala




The Dermabrasion is for those who want regular cleaning, supple skin and gentle glow at a minimal expense as well. Facial dermabrasion helps in deep skin exfoliation resulting in tissue regeneration process. It involves the use of a diamond tip for removal of superficial debris from the face. This also helps to control the release of sebum from skin pores which eliminates unwanted greasiness and grime from the skin surface. It works on the outermost layers of the skin. The best part is that it is suitable for all skin types and is really effective in improving the skin texture.

This procedure involves exfoliation of dead skin cells on the outermost layer of the skin using a Diamond tip microdermabrasion and a suction tip. This is followed by application of soothing and hydrating face mask. This additional step helps in rejuvenating and hydrating the skin. And finally skin healing cream along with sunscreen is applied. The skin often feels little sensitive post procedure.

This is a quick procedure which takes around 20 -30 mins. There may be little redness after proecedure which settles down in few hours. One can start seeing the results in few days in the form of smooth supple radiant hydrated skin with improved skin texture and tone.

At Jindal aesthetics Ambala, we have a wide variety of special skin treatments to suit every skin type. We recommend the best Facial Dermabrasian treatment suited to your requirements.

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